I achieved A*AB in respectively OCR Religious Studies, Edexcel Economics and Maths. Graduated at the University of Warwick. My notes are concise and invaluable in helping you attain top grades in your upcoming A level exams!!
I achieved A*AB in respectively OCR Religious Studies, Edexcel Economics and Maths. Graduated at the University of Warwick. My notes are concise and invaluable in helping you attain top grades in your upcoming A level exams!!
Essay Plans for Edexcel Economics A AS and A-level 2015:
Theme 1
Theme 2
Theme 3
Theme 4
Macro & Micro Essay Plans
Covers all/most topics in the specification
These are very condensed and concise revision notes, useful to easily remember and quick to learn, with the information to write an A* essay on any question on the given topic. These notes were invaluable to my revision and for me attaining an A* in Religious Studies. The knowledge in these revision notes are sufficiently detailed and have are able to fill the scope/demand of any essay question within the topic.
These notes focus on all aspects of Death and the Afterlife, heaven, hell, purgatory, limited and unlimited election, along with some detailed critics and supporters, evaluating their views. These set of notes are structured in order for students to write critically concise A* essays. This was an essential guide in enabling me to achieve an A* in my 2019 DCT exam, scoring nearly full marks overall.
These are very condensed and concise revision notes, useful to easily remember and quick to learn, with the information to write an A* essay on any question on the given topic. These notes were invaluable to my revision and for me attaining an A* in Religious Studies. The knowledge in these revision notes are sufficiently detailed and have are able to fill the scope/demand of any essay question within the topic.
These notes focus on all aspects of knowledge of God through natural, revealed and innate knowledge, with additional scholarly views. This is structured in the order natural, revealed and innate in order to establish a solid essay structure in the set of notes, to prepare you for a wide range of questions and provide a line of argument (where suitable). This helped me achieve 40/40 for this topic in last years exam.
These are very condensed and concise revision notes, useful to easily remember and quick to learn, with the information to write an A* essay on any question on the given topic. These notes were invaluable to my revision and for me attaining an A* in Religious Studies. The knowledge in these revision notes are sufficiently detailed and have are able to fill the scope/demand of any essay question within the topic.
These notes focus on all aspects of Liberation theology, including Marxism, preferential option of the poor and other critical views. All of the views posed by academic scholars have been evaluated in order to give students pre-rehearsed counter-arguments when writing their essays. These notes were invaluable to me achieving an A* in my DCT exam for the 2019 paper.
I predict that Plato and Aristotle, either a comparison, or on their individual merits will appear in the 2020 Paper. Rather than using a comparison, I have prepared detailed essay plans, specifically covering points on the OCR H173 specification in relation to:
Plato’s understanding of reality:
Theory of Forms
The Allegory of the Cave
Aristotle’s understanding of reality:
Theory of Causation
Prime Mover
Essays covering (FOR OCR H173 -> 40 markers - PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION)/Applicable to other specifications in content
Problem of evil as a whole
This is a comprehensive, critical essay plan on Sexual ethics, covering many aspects of Natural Law and a Kantian explanation applied to sexual ethics (homosexuality and sex), along with evaluative pointers and wider reading scholars. The detail in this plan provides a variety of approaches that can be taken when writing an essay regarding sexual ethics. This essay is applicable to a specific question on Kant or Natural Law as a helpful method in making decisions around sexual ethics as well as being able to be tailored to an essay focusing specifically on religious beliefs having a continuing role in the area of sexual ethics. The content in this document, if correct links are made, can be used to answer many essay Qs in the following topic, accessing level 5/6 bands for AO1 and AO2 when writing essays.
This essay contain very nice broad introductions (AO1), which can be applied to any sexual ethics essay.
This is a comprehensive, critical essay plan, using a general structure to answer questions on christian moral principles, along with evaluative pointers and critics to add weight to your argument. The detail in this plan provides a variety of approaches that can be taken when writing an essay regarding moral principles. These essay plans are applicable to general questions as well as being able to be tailored to an essay focusing specifically on an revelation and the Bible.
The content in this document, if correct links are made, can be used to answer many essay Qs, accessing level 5/6 bands for AO1 and AO2 when writing essays.
This is a comprehensive, critical essay plan, using a general structure to answer questions on Knowledge of God, along with evaluative pointers and critics to add weight to your argument. The detail in this plan provides a variety of approaches that can be taken when writing an essay regarding topics in knowledge of God. These essay plans are applicable to general questions as well as being able to be tailored to an essay focusing specifically on knowing God through reason, revelation and innately.
The content in this document, if correct links are made, can be used to answer many essay Qs, accessing level 5/6 bands for AO1 and AO2 when writing essays.
These are very condensed and concise revision notes, useful to easily remember and quick to learn, with the information to write an A* essay on any question on the given topic. These notes were invaluable to my revision and for me attaining an A* in Religious Studies. The knowledge in these revision notes are sufficiently detailed and have are able to fill the scope/demand of any essay question within the topic.
These notes focus on all aspects of Augustine on human nature, free will, predestination, grace, pride and disobedience, along with some detailed strengths and weaknesses, including critics and overall differing views of human nature from alternative philosophers.
This is an exemplar sample essay plan of a religious pluralism and society essay focusing on inter-faith dialogue, with 3 aspects of theology of religions, exclusivism, inclusivism (scriptural reasoning) and pluralism. I memorised this essay plan for my 2019 DCT Exam and scored 40/40 making specific links to the question, allowing me to achieve A* in DCT overall. This essay plan if used correctly, can be used to answer a broad range of questions within the society chapter of Christian Thought (OCR)
This is a comprehensive, critical essay plan, using a general structure to answer questions on Religious pluralism, along with evaluative pointers and critics to add weight to your argument. The detail in this plan provides a variety of approaches that can be taken when writing an essay regarding topics in pluralism. These essay plans are applicable to general questions as well as being able to be tailored to an essay focusing specifically on exclusivism, inclusivism or pluralism.
The content in this document, if correct links are made, can be used to answer many essay Qs, accessing level 5/6 bands for AO1 and AO2 when writing essays.
These are very condensed and concise revision notes, useful to easily remember and quick to learn, with the information to write an A* essay on any question on the given topic. These notes were invaluable to my revision and for me attaining an A* in Religious Studies. The knowledge in these revision notes are sufficiently detailed and have are able to fill the scope/demand of any essay question within the topic.
These plans are focused on both aspects of religous pluralism, including theology and society. This starts of analysing theology of religions with evaluation points and further reading scholars, to create full scope of essays completely focused on exclusivism, inclusivism and pluralism. The society chapter of religious pluralism, applies all 3 theology of religions to inter-faith dialogue, with a focus of conversion, having a mission of those to no faith, along with scriptural reasoning + a first inter-faith theology.
This is a comprehensive, critical essay plan, using a general structure to answer questions on Gender and Theology, along with evaluative pointers and critics to add weight to your argument. The detail in this plan provides a variety of approaches that can be taken when writing an essay regarding topics in Gender. These essay plans are applicable to general questions as well as being able to be tailored to an essay focusing specifically on Theology and presenting God in male/female terms.
The content in this document, if correct links are made, can be used to answer many essay Qs, accessing level 5/6 bands for AO1 and AO2 when writing essays.
This is a comprehensive, critical essay plan, using a general structure to answer questions on CMP, along with evaluative pointers and critics to add weight to your argument. The detail in this plan provides a variety of approaches that can be taken when writing an essay regarding topics in CMP. These essay plans are applicable to general questions as well as being able to be tailored to an essay focusing specifically on the Bible, Principle of Love and Christian ethics.
The content in this document, if correct links are made, can be used to answer many essay Qs, accessing level 5/6 bands for AO1 and AO2 when writing essays.
This is for OCR Religious Studies A-Level New Specification H573:
You cannot simply “blag” an A* ({sadly, this is true :(((})
These documents provide very useful information on how to structure and write essays, but most importantly, establishing a critical tone/judgment (which is essential for consistent attainment of level 6 band for AO2)
These documents focus on how to use the structure PEREL (to ensure that paragraphs are not merely asserting AO1 knowledge, but doing so in an argument-driven manner with sustained evaluation.)
Whilst this also encourages specific AO2 phrases, this document provides some synoptic links that can be used to develop arguments (due to exam pressures/conditions), avoiding students from drifting off into other topics that have unsuccessfully left not linked towards the question, with tips on time management in the exam.
(This structure is not objective, however if used to a critical standard, but played a massive role in achieving an A*)
This is a revision powerpoint, going in relevant and key essay summaries and A* details in order to allow students to be accessible to higher grade marks.
I tailored this to ideally be a prediction of the 2019 philosophy paper, however many topics I specifically wrote these revision details for, did not appear. Therefore, this may be useful in preparing for potential 2020 exam questions.
Topics Included in this powerpoint are:
Mind, Body and Soul
Problem of Evil
Attributes of God: Omnipotence
20th century perspectives:
Verification and meaning
Falsification symposium
Language Games
How I have structured these set of notes:
Each powerpoint slide of notes will contain a detailed comprehensive analysis of what many scholars argue.
Ideally the main (textbook) scholars of the topic. Providing criticisms of their arguments, further supported or challenged by other critics.
Some slides will contain additional scholars, who propose different views.
This may be useful for introducing a more specific argument to a specifically focused essay question.
* Problem of Evil and Mind, Body and Soul specifically have a comprehensive set of pure evaluative points, in order to access level 6 band of analysis and depth when evaluating scholarship.
These are general paper 3 essay plans: I achieved a grade A in this paper.
These plans are not an exhaustive list, as 25 mark essays can cover both macro and microeconomic topics.
This is useful for Edexcel Specification 2015 AS/A-level
This document provides brief and extensive revision points for preparing and writing high quality A* or 36-40/40 mark essays in examinations. It provides examples of how to tackle highly engaging questions, that may require students to draw up and reflect knowledge from more than one topic. Furthermore, I have provided detailed analysis on essay responses with major AO2 critiques and criticisms (with explanations). This has been done specifically for: Design Argument, verification principle, MBS (Mind, Body and Soul) and Ontological Argument. As majority of these topics did not appear in 2019 papers, it would be excellent preparation in achieving in A* in the philosophy of religion paper.
The content delivered in these documents are structured to meet demands of OCR, but can equally be useful for AQA, other examination boards testing religious studies/philosophy through predominantly essay writing.